Operator Members

The Culinary Institute of America's Healthy Kids Collaborative is an invited group of school nutrition leaders from around the country, including directors and chefs, top food service management companies, expert school nutrition consultants, and other stakeholders. Collaborative members meet in person annually to work together on practical solutions that expand delicious, healthy menu choices. Throughout the year they also contribute to working groups based on targeted focus areas.

For more information about membership in the collaborative, click here.

Healthy Kids Collaborative Program Manager

Healthy Kids Collaborative Senior Advisor

Tarrah Westercamp, MS, RDN, SNS

Cathy Powers I MS, RDN, LD

Leadership Advisory Council Members

Lisa Feldman, '91, CRC | Sodexo North America

Matthew Poling, Director of Food and Nutrition Services at Durango School District 9-R

Rachel Petraglia, Culinary Specialist for the Georgia Department of Education

Working Groups Leadership

School Nutrition Members


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